2 Cats != Crazy Cat Lady

Like that?  A little bit of my nerdiness there, haha (I’m referring to the usage of “!=” instead of “not equal” in case that wasn’t clear).

Today, I’m going to write about a pet peeve of mine.  It goes like this:  say I’m talking to a friend– no, more like an acquaintance.  And I tell her that I have two cats.  Her immediate response: “Ohh, I’m not a cat person.”

Really?  That’s the best response you could come up with?

When you have your first child and I see him/her for the first time, I’m going to say, “Ohh, babies are so ugly.”  BAM, right back at ya.  Seriously, what happened to not saying anything if you don’t have anything nice to say?  An “oh, that’s nice” would have sufficed. (No offense to babies, they are sometimes cute, sometimes funny looking.)

Along those same lines, when I had a boyfriend, having two cats wasn’t a big deal.  Then, we broke up and suddenly I’m this crazy cat lady.

“Hey Jess, how are your ten cats?”
“I only have two.”
“Yeah, same difference, you’re on your way.”

I’m not even making this up!  It wasn’t even my idea to get the cats (though I do love my cats very much).  I just love animals!  Before the cats, I had three hamsters: Hermes, Houdini, and Homer.  I would have dogs too if they weren’t such a huge responsibility.  I’m thinking one day I’ll get dogs and I bet suddenly it’ll be okay that I have cats too.

Aren’t they adorable??

5 thoughts on “2 Cats != Crazy Cat Lady

  1. i stalk a lot of cute cats online but am terrified of them in person if they are sans owner. It took me 30 minutes to work up the nerve to walk into my friend’s apartment (she left me a key) because I’d be alone with her cat. Also! I’m deathly allergic. I’m sorry if I ever told you “yuck, cats” Ha 🙂

    1. lol! well, i can understand if you’re allergic– that would be a crappy way to go, ya know?

      thanks for the comment, i’m so behind on all the sites i follow!! 😛

  2. This really annoys me too. I hate when people say they arent cat people. You should correct them and say, “you mean you aren’t an animal person.” Most people that say this have never had a cat and think that having a dog is “cool.” Nevermind that most people I know with dogs live in tiny spaces and work long hours so the dog is misbehaved and overweight, prob like their kids will be. Even being married with 2 cats, I’m seen as a crazy cat lady, but if I had 2 neglected dogs Id be cool? And just wait, when you do get married and obsessively love your kitties you will hear things like how you just need to have kids already an “wait until you have kids bc you wont feel the same about your cats after that.” What? Can’t a person be allowed to love her kitties?

    I’m with you though – if i had a big place and infinite time and didnt. like traveling, I’d have 5 dogs and about 20 cats, a goat and a pig.

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