Rockets Run 5k

I haven’t blogged about a run in ages!  I woke up late race morning after attending a wedding the night before. At 8:00am, when the race started, I had just parked my car in a garage many blocks away. I ran to the start to meet up Gloria & Kristin– they HAD to wait for me because I had their race bibs! We started ~8 minutes after the race start. I felt SO bad for being late, as it was Gloria’s first race! We ended up running together, so took it easier, as Gloria typically runs slower and on a treadmill.  I didn’t mind– I was tired and thirsty! First water stop at the 1-mile mark was out of water, so I didn’t get a chance to quench my thirst until mile 2. There was a 3rd water stop around mile 3, but we skipped that one.

RocketsRun2014I can’t help but speed up towards the end of a race and Kristin & I ended up getting ahead of Gloria the last block before going down the ramp into the stadium I’m a fan of that decline towards the very end of the run, although my shoelace came untied and I had to be extra careful to not trip! I almost collided with a runner in front of me who stopped as soon as he crossed the finish line. Since we finish in the Toyota Center, it tends to get a bit crowded– I recall that from prior years as well.

We made our way up the stairs and outside to get to the post-race party, where I picked up a bottle of water and a slice of pizza. After meeting up with my co-worker (who I had convinced to race, but then failed to meet up with her beforehand), we picked up our wallets and walked over to Phoenicia, where I picked up a Pumpkin Pie latte and a palmier. Not a bad way to start the day!

Rockets Run 5k
November 9, 2014
Chip Time: 28:20
Pace: 9:07/M
Age Group (F30-34): 19/179
Gender: 159/1122
Overall: 637/2413

ABB5k & Expo!

I’ve been terribly neglectful of my blog, so a lot has happened, including marathon weekend!

Saturday morning, I was alarmed to feel the very beginning stages of getting sick.  NOOO! I’ve been training for forever (months) for this weekend and I was determined to race.  Last year, I was sick for over a month before the Houston Marathon and made the tough choice to defer my spot for this year!  I would do my best to stay as healthy as possible and the ABB 5k would be a good test.  It was a bit chilly out– around 50, so I wore my Nike running jacket, a tank underneath, Nike tights, and my headwarmer.  Forgot my gloves, oops. I met up with Tim, Becky, and Aydee shortly before the start of the 5k and ended up running the entire race with Becky.  We didn’t bother trying to weave and had a lovely chat while we ran!

Official Time: 32:52
Pace: 10:35/M

Mile 1: 11:04
Mile 2: 10:42
Mile 3:  9:46

The last 0.18 was at a 8:37/pace.  I like to speed up for the finish!  Haha, I think that might be my slowest time for a 5k.  No big, just a warm-up for the real race tomorrow!

Another mile and 4 parking lots later, I finally grabbed my cc and license and returned to George R. Brown Convention Center for packet pick-up and the expo.  I love expos! I snagged $50 Ravenna’s, Nike shorts, and Nike tops from Luke’s Locker as well as some Nuun and the complimentary Nuun water bottle. Oh yes, and I got my bib & shirt for the marathon. 🙂

Rockets Run 5k RR

Kristin convinced me to sign up so we could go to a Rockets game (complimentary ticket included with the run registration)! I had planned on treating the Rockets Run as a recovery run since it’s only a week after Oilman Texas– well, I didn’t end up running during Oilman (will have to post about that later), so I just treated it as part of my marathon training mid-tempo run.

Goal was to do a 8:23/M pace as specified on my plan. I was trying to keep it on pace, but you know how it is at a race– everyone else is sprinting out while I’m trying to hold back! Thus, too fast the first mile, then I slowed closer to goal pace for second mile, and then last mile, towards the end, picked it up a bit to finish!

1) 8:08
2) 8:19
3) 8:10

Actually ended up being a PR (officially, anyway)! Sweet. Not bad for a mid-tempo run, haha. Temp was probably 60-ish– much warmer than what I had expected! Great way to kick-off my marathon training. 🙂

Official time: 25:29
Pace: 8:13/M
Division: 13/199
Gender: 48/750
Overall: 299/1771

Choco Loco 5k– PR!

I’ve been aiming to beat my PR for my 5k for half a year.  Back in July, I ran the Run Wild 5k on July 4, 2012.  It was a shock to me that I managed to PR that day.  I was slightly hung over with a headache from celebrating a friend’s birthday the night before, and being July, it was HOT. I pulled off a 26:52.2, beating my 27:25 from 6 months before at the ep5k in January.

My friend Vickie does a 5k each month for charity, and this month, she picked the Choco Loco 5k. It was a small inaugural race held in Uptown Park. The race had a start time of 7:30am, and I arrived at 7:00am to pick up my packet. That’s the great thing about these smaller races– you don’t have to arrive ridiculously early! I easily parked 2 rows down from the pack pickup area. My friends were running late and didn’t arrive until maybe 10 minutes before the start time! No problemo. We got to the start line just before the race started.

Today’s weather was perfect for running! Low 60’s, cloudy. I started with the back of the pack, intending on going easy as part of my marathon training plan. As usual, I started out a bit fast…and then instead of slowing down, I just kinda stuck with it. I couldn’t help it!  It IS a race after all.  Once I saw my first mile time, I wanted to stay around that pace– I’m a big fan of hitting even or negative splits!

1) 8:27
2) 8:23
3) 8:22
3.12) 6:39

Sprinted the finish! My official time was 25:50.2, 8:20/M pace. It’s definitely a PR!!!  Wheeee! For real though, I have to take it easy at the Galveston Half Marathon tomorrow, haha.  There were oreos, bananas, Famous Amos cookies, chocolate-covered strawberries, and a chocolate fondue station!

Choco Loco 5k
January 26, 2012
Chip Time: 25:50.2
Pace: 8:20/M
Division: 18/108
Overall: 105/478

ABB5k Race Report

The Houston Marathon 2013 has come and gone…and I did not race. A few days after the Dallas Half Marathon (12/09), I came down with a cold, followed by a stomach virus. Just when I thought I was getting better, I got hit with the flu!!! As race day approached, I didn’t feel like I was prepared, having run very low mileage (between the half and race day, I ran 26 miles total!!).

I was super disappointed but I think it was a smart decision. It was cold and rainy on race day and I wasn’t totally over the flu yet. I did run the ABB5k the day before the race (I carried tissues in my SPI belt!) and did decent considering the situation.

The ep5k last year (the 5k associated with the Houston Marathon last year) was my first race of 2012 and it seemed fitting that the ABB5k would be my first race for 2013! The good thing about my long break is that after months of bad races, I FINALLY had a good race. I WON!! No, jk. It was a good race because I didn’t have any ankle pain! Ever since I fell off my bike in August and had to get stitches in my right ankle, I’ve been plagued with ankle pain in my left ankle during my runs. I’ve had to take a lot of breaks to stretch and massage my feet/legs and I was getting a bit worried. Seriously, EVERY time I went out and ran, I had all these doubts about being able to run and it was rather discouraging.

My 5k PR was back in July at the Run Wild 5k with a 26:52.2. It was hot and I was slightly hungover, so I was convinced I could break this PR. I didn’t PR at this race, but I ran a 27:44 (haha, this is actually slower than my time last year) and that’s with 1 water break and 2 tissue breaks! I’m still determined to set a new 5k PR! Definitely this year.

Like last year, three of my friends and I parked at Jason’s work parking garage and walked to the race start. It was a surprisingly warm day and SUPER humid, so I had on shorts, our EG shirts (wore that last year too!) compression socks, and my Brooks PureCadence. I also wore my SPI belt, stuck my phone in it, and just used the Nike app to track my run. Well, except that I forgot to start it until halfway through the race! I also decided to listen to music to help motivate me. My nose was still a little runny so I also stuck 2 tissues in my SPI belt. The course was pretty straight forward, running from downtown to midtown and back. I enjoyed the run although I could feel that my energy level wasn’t at 100% yet. I had some friends that also ran the 5k– a few that were warming up for the marathon/half marathon, and then a few that were just running the 5k.

I’m just super happy that I don’t have ankle pain!  My next race is a half marathon at the Galveston Marathon!  With all the marathon excitement, I decided 9 days before the race to sign up, haha.  Pumped to train again!

Pace: 8:56/M
Class: 20/228
Gender: 162/1826
Overall: 574/3383

Run Wild 5k Race Report

My friend Vickie is running a 5k each month to support a good cause, and this month, I joined her for the Run Wild 5k, hosted by Runner’s High Club and benefiting Special Olympics Texas. In the spirit of Independence Day, the girls in our group wore matching red, white, and blue tanks!

Since I had Wednesday off for 4th of July, I felt the need to go out for my friend’s birthday Tuesday night! Well, I ended up having a few drinks and not getting to bed until 1:45am. Yikes. Regardless, I was determined to make the 5k! I woke up (late) at 6:15am but I was out of my apartment by 6:30am and made my way to Uptown Park, scarfing down a Honey Stinger Honey Waffle for breakfast and popping some Aleve for my headache. It was already very warm outside and I was definitely dehydrated, eeks. Not the best start before the race, but I hey, I’d try my best anyway.

The race had under 2,000 people and I was pleased that I easily found parking. There were a lot of people out there, but it wasn’t annoyingly crowded or anything.

I stayed with Vickie and Amanda throughout the race. Although we aimed to go at a 9:00 pace, we ended up going faster. There were 2 water stops but we didn’t stop at either and just ran on. As usual, we couldn’t help but go faster at the start with everyone else going so fast! We slowed it down for mile 2 and picked it back up end of mile 3 to finish. Vickie and Amanda started sprinting once we hit the parking lot but I held off a little longer before picking up the pace to finish.

1) 8:08
2) 8:50
3) 8:32
3.2) 7:00

I ended up finishing in 26:52.2– a 5k PR for me, shaving off 32 seconds from my previous time!! I definitely plan on trying to beat this PR when it cools down. Who am I kidding? I ALWAYS try to PR, haha.

Run Wild 5k
July 4, 2012
Time: 26:52.2
Pace: 8:40/M
Division: 39/149
Overall: 407/1287

Rockets Fun Run 5k (2.8 miles): Post-Run Report

I barely made the Rockets Run!  The plan was to meet at 6:30am to get to the Toyota Center before 7:15am to get free parking.  Welll, I didn’t wake up until 7:00am when Timmy called me to see where I was.  Oops.

Luckily, I had gotten ready the night before and was out of my apartment in 10 minutes!  I was going to wear the Rockets Run shirt, but there was a chance of rain and I didn’t want to be weighed down by a wet 100% cotton t-shirt.  Plus, weather forecast for around 70 degrees.  No time for breakfast, but I grabbed some sport jelly beans.  I was there by 7:30am and paid $10 to park right in front of the Toyota Center.  Whew. Run was scheduled to start 8am.

Mile 0:  The start was crowded, as usual, but not nearly as bad as EP5k.  It had been lightly sprinkling outside and I had hoped it’d stop by the time our run started, but no such luck.  I wore my Garmin Forerunner 305 for the first time for a run.

Mile 1: I was trying to pace myself better and go for negative splits but I started off too fast and ended up going the faster in the first mile.  It’s hard when you see everyone else flying by!

Mile 2: We ran through downtown to midtown, went around a block, and head back the opposite direction.  It was fairly straight forward.   I kept on wiping my face from the rain.

Mile 3: I stopped at the second water station and took 2 gulps, but it threw off my breathing (and got water all over my shirt), so I walked for a 10-15 seconds.  My Garmin lost signal when we got to the Toyota Center and went underground.

Finish: When I approached the court, I broke out into a sprint.  I surprised to see the clock at under 25 minutes when I crossed the finish line.  What in the world…?  I certainly didn’t feel like I was going that fast.

My official time was 24:44!  I was pretty incredulous about it and we later figured out that the course was only 2.8 miles.  Ah.  So, that put me at a 8:50 per mile pace, which was close to my pace for the EP5k.  What’s strange is that my Garmin showed my splits to be 1) 8:22 2) 8:47 3) 8:42 with an average pace of 8:36 per mile for a total of 2.74 miles in 23:35.

If the whole run were 2.8 miles, that would mean the last 0.06 miles took me 1:09.  My guess is that the total mileage was rounded down to 2.8 miles so, my actual pace should be a little faster than the 8:50 per mile.  Makes me feel a little bit better, lol.

Rockets Run 5k (2.8 miles) 2012
January 21, 2012
Bib: 521
Chip time: 24:44.9
Pace: 8:50 per mile
Pace Division 24/278
Place Overall 437/2138

EP5k: Post-Run Report

I was up by 3:30am to shower, get ready, make breakfast for the group by 4:45am (when they came over), and head out by 5am to beat the 5:30am road closures.  Well, turns out there’s NO traffic if you leave as early as we did, ha.  The Chevron Marathon and Aramco Half-marathon didn’t start until 7am and our EP5k started at 7:30am.  Oh well, better safe than sorry!

It was expected to be in the mid/high-40’s that morning, so I put on my UA HeatGear Tights, my UA HeatGear long-sleeved shirt, and my pink EG shirt (that I worked hard ironing letters on).  I was told you generally dress for 20 degrees warmer than what it actually is, so I was probably overdressed.

Mile 0: The start of the run was SLOW.  So many people to maneuver around!

Mile 1: Eventually the crowd got more spread out and it got easier to go at a steady pace but I’m sure I lost some time there. Timmy stayed close behind me for the most part.  Hmph.

Mile 2:  Apparently there’s a slight incline in the theater district. Very slight, but I could feel it.  More importantly, where is the damn water station?  Not that I NEED water but that was supposed to be my gauge of halfway point (1.5 miles). At some point in the second mile, Timmy passed me up so I just followed him, staying about 20 feet behind.

Mile 3: I figured Timmy would start getting tired in mile 3– he’s done interval training but not so much endurance/distance training.  I passed him up probably in the last 1/2 of the mile or so and kept pushing on.

Finish: As I was approaching George R. Brown, I saw the first half-marathon runner quickly approaching!  I clapped and cheered as he ran by.  He flew by and finished his marathon in 59:22!  Wow!  The finish line was approaching and I broke into a spring for maybe the last 100 meters, finishing at 27:25.   Timmy came in close behind me at 27:32.  I didn’t know that we got finisher medals– very cool, my first medal!

Guys overall time ended up being lower than the girls, so girls lost the bet…this time.  We made another bet on the Bluebell Fun Run 10k in April!   Either way, we all did a 5k– for Karen, Jason, and Timmy, their first 5k!  Congrats!!


El Paso Corporation 5k 2012
January 15, 2012
Bib: 50455
Chip time: 27:25
Pace: 8’49 per mile
Place Division 31/226
Place Gender 139/1599
Place Overall 501/2755

EP5k: Pre-Run

Tomorrow is the El Paso 5k!  It’s almost silly next to other events of the weekend– Olympic Trials, Aramco Half-Marathon, and Chevron Marathon.  That’s okay– this one is a friendly bet between my friends and me– it’s going to be fun!

I ran my first 5k on October 1, 2011 (Race for the Cure), and my first timed 5k on November 24, 2011 (North Texas Turkey Trot).   The first run took me roughly 30 minutes, the second one 28:03.   I learned a few things:

(1) Drink water— It took me an hour to drive to downtown for Race for the Cure and I was out of water by the time I parked my car.  I was incredibly thirsty and running late so I had no time to find water!  I stopped twice for water and was still struggling out of thirst at the end of my 5k.

(2) Leave early— Took me an hour to drive downtown!  Didn’t get to meet up with the rest of the BMC runners so I just ran on my own.

(3) Pay attention to the course— I’ve been running on dirt/gravel on flat terrain for the most part and wasn’t entirely prepared for the ups and downs of Allen Parkway and all the concrete.

(4) Run with a friend— When I ran with Jonathan for the Turkey Trot, he pushed me to keep going up my pace even when I was starting to lag behind.  I was happy with my finishing time!

(5) Don’t overdress— For the Turkey Trot,  I had on a tank top under my UA long-sleeve coldgear, threw the Turkey Trot shirt on top, had my UA coldgear fitted tights, and shorts over the tights.  It was in the low 40’s.  I wasn’t used to running in that weather and ended up getting pretty hot.  I read that runners should dress for 20 degrees warmer than actual temperature.

I know better now.  For Sunday, I’m running with my friends but since we’re running for time and I’m hoping to be faster than them, I’ll definitely have to pace myself.  My goal is to beat my last 5k time and if not, under 29:00.   I’m excited!!  =)

I’m thinking peanut butter, banana, and honey on wheat sandwiches for breakfast.  The run is at 7:30am, I’m thinking breakfast around 5:00am.  So early!!